Wilson Wolfe real estate
Wilson Wolfe Real Estate called upon Studio Eighty Seven to help usher in era at the company with a rebrand that honored their legacy and celebrates 40 years of hard work. Studio Eighty Seven created a mark that pays homage to their past, competes with the household names of real estate, attracts clients, and is something that agents—veteran and prospective—are proud to stand behind.
Left: Wilson Wolfe original logo. Right: Wilson Wolfe logo designed by Studio Eighty Seven.
The relationship didn’t end with a beautiful new logo.
Since then, Studio Eighty Seven has stood by Wilson Wolfe, helping them execute their brand across multiple touch points including exterior signage, lawn signs, social media campaigns, new agent welcome packages, direct mail pieces, and more—all of which represent our Creative Direction services.
A New WEbsite
The new wilsonwolfe.com is our favorite example of creative collaboration and Studio Eighty Seven’s Creative Direction services. Our team worked hand-in-hand with Wilson Wolfe’s website development team at Union Street Media to ensure the new website had cutting-edge real estate functionality and was aligned with the Wilson Wolfe brand. As part of that process, Studio Eighty Seven designed pages, web icons, created a logo to showcase Wilson Wolfe’s philanthropic initiatives, and tapped content writer Natasha Blanchard to bring the voice of Wilson Wolfe to life.
No Project too small
Studio Eighty Seven remains ever-present to guide Wilson Wolfe and their team to continue projecting their brand with consistency, clarity, and purpose. That means we’re called upon for big projects like overseeing and project-managing the website re-design, but also when the local ballet company Wilson Wolfe sponsors needs their production programs printed. In other words, we’ve got their back, and we love being there for all these moments, big and small.
This is the precisely kind of relationship and dedication you can expect when you engage Studio Eighty Seven in Creative Direction services. We’re here for you—ready to direct, guide, and/or design each and every touch point.